What is the eligibility criteria for ITI admission ? 

Age: Individuals aged between 14 and 40 years of age as on date of start of admission session are eligible to apply for admission to ITI  in India

Educational qualification: The academic qualification for trades is  class 10th pass from any Board for both trades.

Age Relaxation: โ€“

45 years in case of ex-servicemen

45 years in case of war widows

Widows/separated women would be allowed to join various training programmers under C.T.S. up to the age of 35 years

The upper age limit for physically handicapped candidates is relaxed by 10 years and kept as 35 years as on the date of admission. 

Application Procedure for ITI admission ? 

The prospectus and performa for ITI admission 2020 can be obtained from respective state directorates responsible for Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) and principal of concerned Industrial Training Institutes and centers. 

Start of Admission:

Admission in ITI starts from 1st June every year.