Equipped with all the required experimental setups, spacious full-fledged laboratories and workshops, Nuha ITI provides students the opportunity to develop and refine their technical skills. Staffed by trained instructors, they are conducive to faculty and students at convenient times and reinforce what the students learn in their classroom and help them practice the same. Also, students are encouraged to conduct new experiments beyond their syllabus, based on their learning.
Industry orientation to students is provided through practical application of concepts. Nuha ITI Provides modern and sophisticated teaching facilities that are constantly upgraded. Each department at the institute boasts of an array of highly advanced laboratories that are sufficiently equipped with the latest instruments and apparatus. The aim is to provide students a conceptual as well as practical understanding of the subject through hands-on training. Nuha ITI allocates considerable resources on a regular basis in enhancing all its engineering facilities to meet cutting edge, international standards. Nuah ITI has received ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system certificate.
The college boasts of well equipped Electrical Engineering labs and Workshops which give hands-on experience to the students in the engineering field.