Nuha Private Industrial Training Institute is known for its academic integrity, ethical governance and intellectual warmth on one hand, and for its fine blend of cutting-edge curriculum, skill-building pedagogy and uncompromising learner-centricity on the other. With highly effective industry outreach programs. The Corporate Resource Centre for Nuha ITI is a dedicated resource serving students and recruiters.

The Centre provides maximum opportunities to the students and tools to facilitate the job-hunting process. Nuha organizes several workshops and other events to establish closer relationships with the corporate sector and organizes on campus interviews with several companies.

Backed by a strong base of some outstanding faculty and high quality resources, all Nuha ITI programs are fashioned to prepare individuals whoโ€™ll be exceptional skilled-leaders throughout their careers. The programs provide an education that really lasts a lifetime.

Campus is ideal for creativity and serious academics. The campus is equipped with all the modern infrastructural facilities including modern administrative blocks, open air auditorium etc. Other forms of teaching like interactive sessions, workshops, seminars, leadership exercises, management games, mock interviews, meetings and role-plays are organized in the seminar and conference room.

The institutesโ€™ library has an extensive and valuable collection of technical knowledge that serves the research needs of Nuha ITI faculty, staff and students. The extensive, tech-savvy library provides easy access to information, and is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and resources. The core strength of the library lies in its online resources. Nuha ITI has a progressive Internet connectivity campus, which facilities students to access global information wherever they are. The institutesโ€™ computer centre is well equipped with latest configuration systems supported by laser printers, scanners and other peripheral devices. All the students are provided with desktops, which have the latest configuration.